In consideration of the incredible strain that the recent surge of Omicron cases has placed on our local Orange County hospitals, The Frida Cinema has made the difficult decision to temporarily close our doors effective tomorrow, Friday January 14th. As case numbers are expected to decrease in late-January, we hope to reopen on January 28th with a rescheduled run of Pedro Almodóvar’s Parallel Mothers. Of course will be keeping an eye on local hospital patient rates to ensure it is sensible to do so, and we will keep you posted on our website and social media, as well as through our newsletters.
In the effort to continue to meet our mission in a safe fashion, and with deep appreciation to the team at Mess Hall Market in Tustin, we are happy to announce the return of our Drive-In screening series. We are also very excited to launch a new monthly series of free outdoor films, Classics on French Street, which will commence one week from tonight. Click here to see our schedule of upcoming outdoor and Drive-In events.
As you can well imagine, this ongoing pandemic, combined with our recent need to invest in a new projector, have deeply impacted the fiscal health of our organization. Please consider supporting us during these difficult times by making a tax-deductible donation in support of The Frida Cinema. If you are interested in making an Angel-level donation, or should you or your business be interested in sponsoring our outdoor series or any of our upcoming events, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at logan@thefridacinema.org.
Thank you for your understanding. Please stay safe out there, and we look forward to seeing you at our outdoor screenings, and back at The Frida when we reopen.
– Logan Crow, Executive Director