Join us this July for a three film-tribute to the late great Ray Liotta! From his early days as ex-con Ray Sinclair in Something Wild to his career high as mobster Henry Hill in GoodFellas, Liotta’s gruff yet likable presence was always a welcome one. Tickets for the series are available now, so be a wise guy and grab them while you still can!
GoodFellas – Jul 4 – 7
Directed by Martin Scorsese | 1990
Based on the unbelievable true story of the rise and fall of Henry Hill, the film documents the notorious mobster’s life from childhood onward. Despite being half-Irish, Henry ingratiates himself to the local Italian mafia and rises through its ranks. After leading the largest cash robbery on American soil, he becomes reckless and his friends turn against him. With both the FBI and his fellow mobsters after him, the question facing Henry is should he snitch or face the business end of the barrel?
Field of Dreams – Jul 22 -25
Directed by Phil Alden Robinson | 1989
Ray Kinsella (Costner) is a corn farmer living aimlessly in rural Iowa with his wife and daughter. As he ponders over the missed opportunities of his life, he comes across a vision of legendary outfielder “Shoeless” Joe Jackson (the late Ray Liotta) standing directly in the center of a baseball diamond in his cornfield. Inspired by his prophetic whisper of “If you build it, he will come,” Kinsella begins to plow through his corn crop to build a baseball field, paving the way for his dreams, passion, and redemption to reroute the course of his family’s life, all with the help of legends from baseball’s past.
Something Wild – Jul 22 – 24
Directed by Jonathan Demme | 1986
After being caught red-handed skipping out on his lunch bill, finance yuppie Charlie Driggs (Jeff Daniels) finds himself swept up in a whirlwind afternoon with the blithe bohemian Lulu (Melanie Griffith). Dragging him across New York City, and eventually to Pennsylvania, Lulu teaches Charlie a thing or two about living dangerously, living wild. Their freedom soon becomes interrupted by the arrival of Lulu’s ex-husband (Liotta), a man whose idea of living wild often just looks like danger.